Tuesday 3 January 2017

ActionResult and derived classes

ActionResult is the base return type of Action Method.
The following table shows the classes which are  derived from ActionResult Class.

  1. ViewResult
  2. PartialViewResult
  3. RedirectResult
  4. RedirectToRouteResult
  5. ContentResult
  6. JsonResult
  7. JavaScriptResult
  8. FileResult
  9. FileContentResult
  10. FilePathResult
  11. FileStreamResult
  12. EmptyResult
  13. HttpNotFoundResult
  14. HttpUnauthorizedResult
  15. HttpStatusCodeResult

In some controller the general structure of Action method is as the following:
  1. public ActionResult ActionMethodName()
        return {new} SomeHelperMethodRelatedToDerivedClass();

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